About Me

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I'm a work in progress. I'm a mom to two, soon to be three, awesome kids that have taught me things I didn't know I needed to learn. I'm married to a kind and handsome man that I genuinely love to be with. I like to be around interesting people and enjoy learning from others. I'm quirky, energetic, have a glass that's usually half full (of wine) and am spontaneous when it fits into my plans. My life is much slower than it once was and even though I sometimes miss the old days, I never take these new days for granted. So, I've given up alot of things in order to give more of myself to my family ... and they better appreciate it. I mean, I expect nothing in return for my selfless love.

Monday, March 5, 2012

One of Nate's new assignments is to read a counseling encyclopedia. Reading an encyclopedia sounds gross and sad. I feel bad for him.

He leaves for his cross-cultural experience in a few days. It's all kinds of exciting and scary at the same time. I think he is going to learn so much and have the time of his life!!! I'm very happy for him, but I am going to miss him so, so much!

And ... his passport photo looks really good. Who takes a good passport photo? How does that even work? My official photos look like a smashed turtle face wearing glasses. 

Nate's parents came for a lovely visit yesterday afternoon. We went out to dinner with them and by the time we got back home it was way past bedtime. Getting home and getting the girls cozy and tucked into bed was our first priority. Well, it was until our first priority became getting into the house. We locked ourselves out somehow so we had to load the (crying, tired, confused) girls back into the car and drive over to my parents' for the spare key. Oh, the crying that ensued. Devastation ran rampant. I mean, it was as if we had taken away Christmas! I'm surprised the neighbors didn't come out to check on things. They were probably too scared. Actually, most of them have kids so they were like, "Yep. Been there. Done that."
Power through.

These thin pieces of fabric are more entertaining that I'd thought

... and the fun has worn off

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