There is a little bunny in our neighborhood so we set out some carrots for it. We'll see if they're gone in the morning. Do raccoons eat carrots? Either way, the girls were so cute and excited.
The sign says, "To: Bunny, From: Mazie and Freya"
I told my OB yesterday that I really desire to just go in to the hospital and a have a baby. Arrive, surgery, baby, recover. Voila.
She is the best OB I've had thus far. I was reading through my old blog the other day and realized that every OB has been nicknamed. I've had Dr. Calmface, Dr. Swearsalot, (<--- both excellent OBs) Dr. Rudepants (AKA Dr. Mumbles) Dr. Handshake and now Dr. FavoriteDr.
OH. I have our family/home management binder all set up. I started using it yesterday ... heehee ... love it. I especially love the weekly menu planning because it makes grocery shopping so easy. Things like organization, routine, time management, etc. may sound really boring but they make life easier which in turn makes life more FUN!!!! Or maybe I have a skewed sense of what fun is?
About Me

- Susan
- I'm a work in progress. I'm a mom to two, soon to be three, awesome kids that have taught me things I didn't know I needed to learn. I'm married to a kind and handsome man that I genuinely love to be with. I like to be around interesting people and enjoy learning from others. I'm quirky, energetic, have a glass that's usually half full (of wine) and am spontaneous when it fits into my plans. My life is much slower than it once was and even though I sometimes miss the old days, I never take these new days for granted. So, I've given up alot of things in order to give more of myself to my family ... and they better appreciate it. I mean, I expect nothing in return for my selfless love.
Carrots for the bunny is like cookies for Santa - they may be eaten but not by the intended person/animal
ooooo! I am going to copy your family management binder. I am a freak for organizing... lol
- Lisa
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