EDIT: The nurse called me today and said that I passed my glucose test with flying colors. She also said that my hemoglobin was perfect and to continue doing whatever it is that I'm doing. She said normally at this point they see iron levels drop and many women have to take more iron. Well, thanks to my liquid chlorophyll my iron levels are exceptional. Gooooo, yucky green plant biomolecules!
Earlier today I was wandering around the house like a zombie ... so tired. My mouth was hanging open because keeping it closed required too much effort. Then I took a spontaneous nap in the recliner and woke up choking on my own saliva. I'm talking tired. I got online (I'm really into self-diagnosis with the help of google) and read all over the place that dehydration can cause extreme fatigue for preggos. I realized that with our weekend traveling, my day spent at the lab yesterday and then being too tired to lift a glass to my lips today I've barely had any h2o! Very unusual for me. So, I crawled to the kitchen, hoisted myself up to the water filter thingy and somehow managed to not only fill my bottle but also drink from it. Now I feel so much better. Water. Must drink my water.
I had my one-hour glucose test today (standard test for gestational diabetes). Mmmmhhmmm, lots of lightheaded, sugary fun. (I was lightheaded bc of the fasting before the drink. Thankfully the drink made me feel like my normal, sugary self again.) I was there for about forty years, which is a very long time and got a lot of my book read. I changed my perspective from that of irritation with the ridiculous wait to thankfulness for the time to just sit, relax and read a book. I'll get the results back on Wednesday.
We went to Michigan over the weekend for a family reunion. You might be thinking, "Family reunion. Bored to death. Awkward." but this family reunion is a blast. We all camp out (unless your pregs, then you get a room inside. win.) and sit around, swim, eat, talk, laugh, relax. It's a great getaway. Nate and I were engaged in some good conversation on the way there and ended up driving the wrong way for 45 minutes. Big, fat fail for this co-pilot and her gps skills. It did give us more time to continue our talk so I guess that was helpful?
I didn't end up taking my camera and the only picture I took on my cell was this one of Mazie and her cousin Luna. They were bonding over a princess veil and a bag of cheez-itz. Luna reminds me so much of Mazie. Isn't it such a sweet picture? You know it is, I don't care who ya is.
About Me

- Susan
- I'm a work in progress. I'm a mom to two, soon to be three, awesome kids that have taught me things I didn't know I needed to learn. I'm married to a kind and handsome man that I genuinely love to be with. I like to be around interesting people and enjoy learning from others. I'm quirky, energetic, have a glass that's usually half full (of wine) and am spontaneous when it fits into my plans. My life is much slower than it once was and even though I sometimes miss the old days, I never take these new days for granted. So, I've given up alot of things in order to give more of myself to my family ... and they better appreciate it. I mean, I expect nothing in return for my selfless love.
Yes, I love that picture. So sweet! And the reunion is definitely a blast. What an amazing weekend it is for our kids, too.
oh my goodness! i love this picture!!! buddies. some great bonding time.;) isn't it crazy that i wish i took more pictures? i feel like i had my camera with me all the time. and yet i didn't get any cool photos of your belly!!! i was so bummed about that. miss you girl!
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