About Me

- Susan
- I'm a work in progress. I'm a mom to two, soon to be three, awesome kids that have taught me things I didn't know I needed to learn. I'm married to a kind and handsome man that I genuinely love to be with. I like to be around interesting people and enjoy learning from others. I'm quirky, energetic, have a glass that's usually half full (of wine) and am spontaneous when it fits into my plans. My life is much slower than it once was and even though I sometimes miss the old days, I never take these new days for granted. So, I've given up alot of things in order to give more of myself to my family ... and they better appreciate it. I mean, I expect nothing in return for my selfless love.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Less than 12 hours ...
Ever been really, really excited about something for a long, long time and then when the day finally arrived you panicked a little?
That's where I'm at. Wait. I'm not ready. Am I? Are we? We're ready, right? Help!
My friend Laura (works 3rds) is going to text us around 3:40 a.m. to make sure we're up. We have to leave by 4:30. Surgery is at 7. We should have a baby by 7:15.
(Unless I get moved back a little later bc of an emergency c-section, etc.)
I'm so excited. And scared.
There is nothing to do now but pray, get some sleep and stay calm.
BABY DAY TOMORROW!!! Boy or girl????
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Weekend Recap
Friday - I can't remember. Again.
Saturday - My Dad came over and helped Nate put up the new porch light. My Mom and I then went to WalMart for nine millionth time to get some last minute things before the baby.
Saturday night - Nate went out on something called Nocturnal III: The Mission. It's an adventure race here in the village, town, whatever. Here he is with the girls and his headlamp and running gear.
Sunday - We went to church and then lounged around all afternoon. It was so relaxing. We met with our small group that evening ... there are quite a few heavy things going on so we spent most of the time in prayer.
There it is.
Saturday - My Dad came over and helped Nate put up the new porch light. My Mom and I then went to WalMart for nine millionth time to get some last minute things before the baby.
Saturday night - Nate went out on something called Nocturnal III: The Mission. It's an adventure race here in the village, town, whatever. Here he is with the girls and his headlamp and running gear.
Sunday - We went to church and then lounged around all afternoon. It was so relaxing. We met with our small group that evening ... there are quite a few heavy things going on so we spent most of the time in prayer.
There it is.
Here's a nice song to listen to while we wait
Friday, October 26, 2012
A (poorly executed) self-portrait
4 .m. is my new wake time, I guess. I have pictures and things to put on here, but I've been too busy nesssssssting!
The girls seem really excited about the new baby ... Mazie doesn't cry anymore when we talk about it. :) She used to get confused and sad by the whole thing, but now she's all about it. She really, really wants to hold the baby while she's standing up for some reason. Freya talked to my my mom about the baby the other day, "baby in mommy tummy. come out."
I've made sure they both understand that I'll be walking funny and hurting for a few days. Mazie especially gets very concerned about this sort of thing. Now she seems ok with it.
I'm rambling. I'm going to try and get some more sleep.
Good night!
The girls seem really excited about the new baby ... Mazie doesn't cry anymore when we talk about it. :) She used to get confused and sad by the whole thing, but now she's all about it. She really, really wants to hold the baby while she's standing up for some reason. Freya talked to my my mom about the baby the other day, "baby in mommy tummy. come out."
I've made sure they both understand that I'll be walking funny and hurting for a few days. Mazie especially gets very concerned about this sort of thing. Now she seems ok with it.
I'm rambling. I'm going to try and get some more sleep.
Good night!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Anniversary Time!
I came home from the Freedom Group workshop (which I'll share about later) to this sign on Saturday ... (he had some help from the littles)
Five year recap (a few days late):
• Got married
• Made three babies
• Birthed two of them
• Changed jobs three times
• Re-located three times, once to another state
• Lived with Nate's parents during one re-location
• Lived with my parents during another re-location
• Completed grad school!!!!!!!!!!
• Learned the value of living on a tight budget
• Traded in late-night hang outs for more quiet evenings at home
• Got used to always having some kind of kid residue on our clothes
• Fell more in love with each other and these little people God keeps surprising us with (how does this keep happening?...)
Can’t wait for many more years with you, Nate. I love you!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Hospital tour
I went in for my hospital tour on Monday ... it was soooooooooooo good. The nurses are VERY in tune with all things natural and the feel of the place is so relaxed. Even though this is a scheduled c-section, they will try to make things are normal as possible.
They strongly encourage breastfeeding right away and suggested that Nate do skin-to-skin contact with the baby while I'm in recovery.
When I'm back from recovery they have what's called 'Family Hour' where they will dim the lights, play a lullaby CD, allow Nate and I to bond with the baby, for me to nurse and so on. How cool is that?? Nate and I are going to cry alot during this time. Ahhh, the experience is so surreal!
It's very zen-like there. Oooooohhhhmmmmmm.
She also told me that Dr. Harrison's patients (that's me!) don't usually have much pain after surgery. Probably because Dr. Harrison isn't a maniac that's been turned loose with a hacksaw like my last Dr.
I have a good feeling about this one. I'm SO thankful for my two healthy children and am praying for another healthy child AND a wonderful birthing experience this time around.
Oh, and my sister is flying up from Florida to be here!! The girls will stay at my parents' with her and my aunts for the weekend and everyone is going to focus alot on Mazie and Freya so they don't feel pushed aside and left out. I want this to be a fun, happy experience for the girls as well!
14 more days!!!!!
p.s. I realize that there is still a possibility that this baby has Down Syndrome. We are at complete peace with this. Complete peace.
They strongly encourage breastfeeding right away and suggested that Nate do skin-to-skin contact with the baby while I'm in recovery.
When I'm back from recovery they have what's called 'Family Hour' where they will dim the lights, play a lullaby CD, allow Nate and I to bond with the baby, for me to nurse and so on. How cool is that?? Nate and I are going to cry alot during this time. Ahhh, the experience is so surreal!
It's very zen-like there. Oooooohhhhmmmmmm.
She also told me that Dr. Harrison's patients (that's me!) don't usually have much pain after surgery. Probably because Dr. Harrison isn't a maniac that's been turned loose with a hacksaw like my last Dr.
I have a good feeling about this one. I'm SO thankful for my two healthy children and am praying for another healthy child AND a wonderful birthing experience this time around.
Oh, and my sister is flying up from Florida to be here!! The girls will stay at my parents' with her and my aunts for the weekend and everyone is going to focus alot on Mazie and Freya so they don't feel pushed aside and left out. I want this to be a fun, happy experience for the girls as well!
14 more days!!!!!
p.s. I realize that there is still a possibility that this baby has Down Syndrome. We are at complete peace with this. Complete peace.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Weekend recap
Friday - I can't actually remember what we did on Friday night, but I'm sure it was outrageous because that's how our Friday nights usually are ...
Saturday - I worked. I was able to leave and go to Mazie's soccer game though! She didn't cry at all this time and had a lot of fun. I have NO idea what changed, but something did. Kids ... I tell ya!
Saturday night is a blur as well. What's wrong with me?
Sunday - The other Freedom Group leaders and I went around to each adult class and made an announcement about the workshop. I went around with my friend Barry and made him do all the talking. By the time we were done I was sweating ... sooooo attractive when these pregnancy hormones kick in. Mmmmmm, schweaty. My last two pregnancies didn't seem to affect my body temperature, but this time around I'm always hot.
We just lazed around on Sunday afternoon as a little family. It was so refreshing. And cute.
Sunday night I went out with the small group girls while the guys stayed at church. We were celebrating Corrinne's completion of her Master's ... it was weird to be together without little people needing our attention every 10 seconds.
And that's that.
p.s. I just realized that I forgot to eat dinner last night (again). Don't worry, I fed everyone else, but I didn't eat before my Freedom Group meeting and now I'm starving!!! Whenever I feel this way it reminds me of this ...
Saturday - I worked. I was able to leave and go to Mazie's soccer game though! She didn't cry at all this time and had a lot of fun. I have NO idea what changed, but something did. Kids ... I tell ya!
Is it just me or does my face look like it's not attached to my body?
Saturday night is a blur as well. What's wrong with me?
Sunday - The other Freedom Group leaders and I went around to each adult class and made an announcement about the workshop. I went around with my friend Barry and made him do all the talking. By the time we were done I was sweating ... sooooo attractive when these pregnancy hormones kick in. Mmmmmm, schweaty. My last two pregnancies didn't seem to affect my body temperature, but this time around I'm always hot.
We just lazed around on Sunday afternoon as a little family. It was so refreshing. And cute.
Sunday night I went out with the small group girls while the guys stayed at church. We were celebrating Corrinne's completion of her Master's ... it was weird to be together without little people needing our attention every 10 seconds.
And that's that.
p.s. I just realized that I forgot to eat dinner last night (again). Don't worry, I fed everyone else, but I didn't eat before my Freedom Group meeting and now I'm starving!!! Whenever I feel this way it reminds me of this ...
Monday, October 15, 2012
I'm in charge of planning this Freedom Group workshop for church. That's on Saturday. Something I've never done before.
Administration and igniting others are both gifts that God has given me.
But still.
I'm not freaking out. I'm not freaking out. I'm not freaking out.
Ok, I'm freaking out.
I pretty much have the best support team and most everything is in place. But, the little details that still need wrapped up are driving me crazy.
Some of the people coming are hurting so, so badly and I don't want to lose focus here. The focus being on showing those broken hearts the healing power of grace.
Take a breath.
Breathe ....
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I cleaned the windows, inside and out. I had two little helpers so they're not perfect, but we had fun. I made the BEST window cleaner .... no streaks (unless you're cleaning with small humans, then there's no guarantee).
2 cups water
1/4 cups white vinegar
Several drops of original Dawn
The first cleaning won't be as good as subsequent cleanings because it takes a little bit to get rid of the weirdo, waxy build up that Windex, etc. leaves behind.
I also washed all the curtains and deep cleaned the stove. Oh, and I washed the couch pillow covers (yet another reason I love Ikea ... washable covers).
These last few weeks are always the most exciting time. And so clean!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Weekend recap
Friday: We rented The Avengers, but I went to bed before it was over ...
Saturday: Mazie played in her soccer game. And by played I mean stood on the sidelines and cried? We left at half-time.
The girls stayed with my parents
(they went to see Angelina Ballerina) while Nate and I went to Illinois
to visit his family. THREE hours of uninterrupted conversation, folks.
We got all caught up on the last six months ... AND we both went into
the gas station at the SAME time. No taking turns. We even held hands as
we crossed the parking lot. It was like we were in our early 30s all
over again!
When Nate and I got to DeKalb we went to Caribou Coffee for old time's sake. I can't believe that just five years ago we were sitting there planning our wedding. We then went to the pumpkin stand (where we got married!!) and met up with Nate's family from Michigan and his mom and dad. It was such a nice fall day.
Saturday: Mazie played in her soccer game. And by played I mean stood on the sidelines and cried? We left at half-time.
When Nate and I got to DeKalb we went to Caribou Coffee for old time's sake. I can't believe that just five years ago we were sitting there planning our wedding. We then went to the pumpkin stand (where we got married!!) and met up with Nate's family from Michigan and his mom and dad. It was such a nice fall day.
Uncle Dave and his lady, Debra ... whom Nate says is "one fantastic lady"
She is the perfect match for Uncle Dave! (he lost his wife a couple of years ago)
Hey, there
Debra and Nate's dad building the pumpkin man
Way back there in the distance are Nate's cousin Andy and his wife Stephanie. Stephanie is the one that has the ministry to sick babies and their families ... she's amazing. She had her last baby three weeks after I had Freya and now she's due three weeks after I'm going to have this baby. We think Andy and Nate are in some sort of conspiracy.
Since there wasn't much room at the inn (the farm) we spent the night with Nate's cousin/brother (long story) and his wife. We were up until ridiculously, ridiculously late ... seriously ridiculous but soooo worth it!
It was a great weekend and even though we missed the girls, it was so fun to get away. It will probably be the last time for a while ... 23 more days!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
I got the girls' clothes changed over to fall and the gender neutral newborn clothes washed and folded. I also re-organized the built-in bookcase and switched the girls' shoes over to the next biggest size. I also got a bag ready for Goodwill of random things.
Let the nesting begin!
Since you're dying to know the process of switching clothes I will lay it out for you. Because I have nothing better to do at 4 a.m. I will use Freya's as the example. Hold on to your seat, folks, it's 'bout to get exciting in hereaahh.
- Take out the 2T fall/winter clothes from tub and organize on floor by type (pants, shirts, etc.)
- Take out the 2T spring/summer clothes and set aside
- Take out 18M current clothes from drawers and closet and put in tub to store
- Put the 2T spring/summer clothes back in tub, on top of 18M for easy access when it gets (unfortunately) warm again
- Put the 2T fall/winter clothes in drawers and closet
Mazie helped me with the newborn clothes and talked about how cute they were and about the new baby, etc. Later in the day she was an emotional, clingy, whiny wreck and declared that she didn't want a new baby. :( Poor girl, she's so torn. (and poor me. what a day!)
I'm heading back to bed and hopefully sleeping some more. Wish me luck!Monday, October 1, 2012
What? You're pregnant?
Someone bought the cat tape! I think she actually bought it for her cat and not as some kind of white elephant gift. That's one lucky cat ... that won't be lonely anymore.
The garage sale brought in over $600 of cold, hard cash. Woohoo. We're going to spend some of our portion of the profits on our anniversary date!
And probably some Tums. So many Tums ...The pregnancy-induced depression is back. So annoying. And depressing.
Almost 35 weeks
I get concerned when people act surprised that I'm pregnant
I get concerned when people act surprised that I'm pregnant
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