About Me

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I'm a work in progress. I'm a mom to two, soon to be three, awesome kids that have taught me things I didn't know I needed to learn. I'm married to a kind and handsome man that I genuinely love to be with. I like to be around interesting people and enjoy learning from others. I'm quirky, energetic, have a glass that's usually half full (of wine) and am spontaneous when it fits into my plans. My life is much slower than it once was and even though I sometimes miss the old days, I never take these new days for granted. So, I've given up alot of things in order to give more of myself to my family ... and they better appreciate it. I mean, I expect nothing in return for my selfless love.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I got the girls' clothes changed over to fall and the gender neutral newborn clothes washed and folded. I also re-organized the built-in bookcase and switched the girls' shoes over to the next biggest size. I also got a bag ready for Goodwill of random things.
Let the nesting begin!

Since you're dying to know the process of switching clothes I will lay it out for you. Because I have nothing better to do at 4 a.m.  I will use Freya's as the example. Hold on to your seat, folks, it's 'bout to get exciting in hereaahh.

  • Take out the 2T fall/winter clothes from tub and organize on floor by type (pants, shirts, etc.)
  • Take out the 2T spring/summer clothes and set aside
  • Take out 18M current clothes from drawers and closet and put in tub to store
  • Put the 2T spring/summer clothes back in tub, on top of 18M for easy access when it gets (unfortunately) warm again
  • Put the 2T fall/winter clothes in drawers and closet
 It's a process!

Mazie helped me with the newborn clothes and talked about how cute they were and about the new baby, etc. Later in the day she was an emotional, clingy, whiny wreck and declared that she didn't want a new baby. :( Poor girl, she's so torn. (and poor me. what a day!)

I'm heading back to bed and hopefully sleeping some more. Wish me luck!

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