About Me

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I'm a work in progress. I'm a mom to two, soon to be three, awesome kids that have taught me things I didn't know I needed to learn. I'm married to a kind and handsome man that I genuinely love to be with. I like to be around interesting people and enjoy learning from others. I'm quirky, energetic, have a glass that's usually half full (of wine) and am spontaneous when it fits into my plans. My life is much slower than it once was and even though I sometimes miss the old days, I never take these new days for granted. So, I've given up alot of things in order to give more of myself to my family ... and they better appreciate it. I mean, I expect nothing in return for my selfless love.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And then there were three ...


We're home!! We've been home since Sunday evening and things have been running smoothly. Thankfully my mom has the week off of work and has been coming over everyday until the afternoon to help me out. Nate then takes over when he comes home from work. My recovery has been going VERY well ... I'm trying to do as little as possible so it stays that way. My ankles, which are as big as yule logs, fair much better when elevated anyway. I haven't been taking much vicodin because I haven't really needed it and because it makes me very tired and grouchy. Dr. Awesomepants gave me multiple refills ... this will come in handy with the holidays coming up ... in case we need to make some extra cash. I kid.

I woke up with a horrible head cold and I sound like Darth Vader. :( Hopefully this passes quickly.

Bjorn is a very content, little guy. He only woke up twice last night to eat (I'm hoping he wants to eat again soon because I'm hurting!!) and doesn't cry much. He passes alot of gas though, in true guy fashion ...

All in all things are great. I just can't believe we have three kids ... and to think that five years ago we were just starting out on our own together. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry about the laryngitis. )= I love that picture of your 3. So very sweet. That little boy landed in a really wonderful family. <3