About Me

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I'm a work in progress. I'm a mom to two, soon to be three, awesome kids that have taught me things I didn't know I needed to learn. I'm married to a kind and handsome man that I genuinely love to be with. I like to be around interesting people and enjoy learning from others. I'm quirky, energetic, have a glass that's usually half full (of wine) and am spontaneous when it fits into my plans. My life is much slower than it once was and even though I sometimes miss the old days, I never take these new days for granted. So, I've given up alot of things in order to give more of myself to my family ... and they better appreciate it. I mean, I expect nothing in return for my selfless love.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I did it!!

Started it. Finished it. Didn't throw up.

Official time was 39:44, app time was 38:57.

Not my best time, but I DID IT!!

I do, however need to add a fourth goal for my next 5k ... not to potty in my pants at the finish line. The main reason my time was so slow was because I had to "go" and I mean really go. It makes for a great first race memory!

Jenny, Aaron and I ran together. Our friends Tim and Amber finished the race before us and then came back to run with us to the finish line. It was so COOL! I had Amber on my left, Jenny on my right, Tim and Aaron behind me and friends and family on the sidelines cheering for me. It was surreal. So hard, so uplifting, so satisfying. I can't wait for the next one.

Jenny and I before the race
(when I should have been using the ladies' room)

I will not die. I will not die. I will die.
(my friend Aaron is behind us and he made his best time yet!)

Woohoo!! I made it!!

 Group shot!

So thankful for her support :)

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