Little baby face. So much cuteness!
Little baby arm
Little baby leg and feet
The ultrasound tech showed me where the bright spot on the baby's heart is. She said it's a calcium deposit and is very, very, very common ... they see them all the time now that technology has improved so much. She had just gotten back from a training in Seattle using new technology that allows her to take an extremely in depth look at the heart, which she did. The baby's heart is perfect from what she can see!! She said there is no cleft lip and the baby has all limbs, etc. She checked the no-no parts just to make sure everything was ok and it took everything I had inside me not to peek! The suspense is killing me.I can't wait to meet this new little person.
1 comment:
Suz!!!! So awesome! It's so amazing EVERYTImE you seee that baby growing inside! Awesome about the heart....yay! So cute.......he looks like a boy!!! ;)
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