Bjorn Kenneth Wessels
Born at 7:38 a.m. 7 lb, 2 oz. 20 in long.
Everything was just perfect. Praise God.
I feel great. I've been up walking and it was better than I expected.
Nate is beaming. Bjorn is very calm and easy to soothe.
The staff at this hospital are incredibly kind and competent.
(We brought them candy and Luna bars so that helps!)
I'm so, so thankful.
A son ... wow.
I've totally been stalking your blog! I am SO excited you had a boy!!! He is adorable and so precious :) You will have so much fun seeing how different God made boys and girls :) Still praying for you all that the transition goes well for the girls and you heal quickly. Congrats!!
Thank you!! I'm looking forward to seeing how a boy mixes in with us! I hear I'll be jumped on and ninja'd alot. :)
Do you know what you're having???
We're having another boy :) It amazes me that anybody can say they aren't naturally different. I never had to teach Caleb to drive a car, he's just done it since about 9mo. Claire just learned this summer by watching other boys. She never picked up a car before that :) And oh my is he a monkey, naturally rough.... and oh so fun :) I love having one of each. I'm not sure if it's personality, but he's much more of a cuddler than Claire ever was too! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what would be most helpful for you- laundry, dishes, meal, general cleaning.... I really mean it. I would love to help in any way. Even if it is a month from now!!
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